Hemp vs marijuana: The differences explained

Hemp vs marijuana. If you aren’t immersed in the world of cannabis, you’ve likely used these words interchangeably. Years of stigma and a lack of clear information has led to the distinction between these plants unclear, and with the legalization of cannabis in Canada this past October, things still appear to be just as murky…

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Why CBD and coffee are the perfect pairing

Is there anything better than starting the day with a smooth, bold flavoured cup of coffee? In today’s fast paced world, many are turning to a morning cup of Joe to kickstart their day. While coffee offers a host of health benefits, however, it also comes at a price, increasing anxiety and stress levels. Enter…

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What is CBD? The ultimate guide for a first timer

So, you’ve decided to enter the world of CBD, but have no idea where to start. What is CBD? Does it get you high? Does it make you tired? What’s the best way to consume it? These are common questions we’re here to help you answer before beginning your journey, so you can make an…

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